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National Association of Nutrition Professionals Masterclass features
“There’s More to Maca” with Dr. Deanna Minich

Most people think of maca as a superfood powder to put in smoothies; however, botanical, genomic, and clinical research over the past decades has suggested that maca has more complexity than initially realized. In this presentation, Dr. Deanna Minich will discuss how to decipher maca sources and their functions, clarify common misunderstandings, provide a summary of gaps and interesting lesser-known findings in scientific research, as well as clinical applications, especially in relationship to women’s health issues, including fertility, perimenopause, bone health, and even how to use it together with HRT for optimal impact.


This presentation is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for one’s scope of practice, intending to guide health professionals with the care of their patients. Additionally, it is not a substitute or directive for professional care by a physician of any type or other qualified health professional. This presentation is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. If you’re seeking medical assistance or consultation, seek a qualified, licensed health practitioner.

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